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Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2021

Empire of the Air : The Men Who Made Radio (0060981199)

The story of the invention of radio focuses on scientist Lee de Forest, brilliant recluse Edwin Armstrong, and RCA mogul David Sarnoff, who turned a basement discovery into a worldwide communications revolution Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages Dimensions 134 x 204 x 25.4mm | 340.19g ...

Liederbuch Grundschule : Broschiert (3795748623)

Umfassend: Mit über 250 Liedern aus allen Bereichen setzt dieses Buch neue Maßstäbe für den Unterricht in der Grundschule. Ein stattliches Audio-Paket mit sechs CDs rundet das Angebot ab. (Separat erhältlich)Vielseitig: Ob traditionelles oder aktuelles Kinderlied, ob Pop, Folk(lore), Rap oder Kanon - zuverlässig und vielseitig bildet dieses Liederbuch alle relevanten Genres ab. Eine übersichtliche Kapitelstruktur führt durch das Schuljahr und stellt für alle denkbaren Themen und Anlässe ein reichhaltiges Angebot bereit. Weiterführend: Mit zahlreichen Zusatzinformationen, Begleitarrangements und Bewegungsanleitungen bietet dieses Liederbuch viele Anregungen für die kreative Umsetzung im Unterricht. Fächerübergreifend: Ein besonderer Pluspunkt dieses vollkommen neu konzipierten Liederbuches sind die fächerübergreifenden Angebote, mit einem reichhaltigen Fundus an praxiserprobten Ideen. Aufbauend: Ein weiteres Novum sind die "Wissenspfade", mit denen sich kindgerecht und praxisn...

Physics Galaxy 2020-21 : Advanced Illustration in Physics (9788193975633)

Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the Advanced Illustrations in Physics by seasoned expert Ashish Arora is a valuable asset for the aspirants of JEE Advanced examination. The book covers more than 700 advanced problems with illustrations. Detailed explanations have been included with video solutions so that students are able to grasp the fundamental examination edge of JEE Advanced. Every illustration is based on specific experimental analysis and practical situations from real life, so that students can understand how questions are framed in competitive exams. All illustrations are divided in several topics covering the syllabus of Advanced Physics for JEE. Features 700+ advanced problems illustrated with explanations Practical problems included from real life Video solutions included to help students grasp concepts better Product details ...

Bringing Columbia Home : The Untold Story of a Lost Space Shuttle and Her Crew (1628728515)

Voted the Best Space Book of 2018 by the Space Hipsters, the dramatic inside story of the epic search and recovery operation after the Columbia space shuttle disaster. On February 1, 2003, Columbia disintegrated on reentry before the nation's eyes, and all seven astronauts aboard were lost. Author Mike Leinbach, Launch Director of the space shuttle program at NASA's John F. Kennedy Space Center was a key leader in the search and recovery effort as NASA, FEMA, the FBI, the US Forest Service, and dozens more federal, state, and local agencies combed an area of rural east Texas the size of Rhode Island for every piece of the shuttle and her crew they could find. Assisted by hundreds of volunteers, it would become the largest ground search operation in US history. This comprehensive account is told in four parts: Parallel ConfusionCourage, Compassion, and CommitmentPicking Up the PiecesA Bittersweet Victory For the first time, here is the definitive inside story of the Columbia ...

Die Klare Grammatik für Arabischsprachige (3981863100)

Dieses Buch richtet sich an Lernende aus dem arabischen Sprachraum, die sich einen einfachen und verständlichen Zugang zur Grammatik der deutschen Sprache wünschen. Einer der Vorteile des Werkes basiert darauf, dass die grammatischen Erläuterungen in arabischer Sprache verfasst sind, die darüber hinaus zeigen, dass sich die Ähnlichkeiten zwischen den Gebräuchen beider Sprachen nutzen lassen, um das Lernen der deutschen Grammatik zu vereinfachen. Dies unterstützt den Lernprozess, sodass die Schüler mit diesem Buch den Schlüssel in der Hand halten, der ihnen die Tür zur Beherrschung der deutschen Sprache aufschließt. Das Lehrwerk eignet sich hervorragend zum Selbststudium. Es deckt die Grammatikgrundlagen der Sprachstufen A1, A2 und B1 ab und nähert sich teilweise bereits an das Niveau der Sprachstufe B2 an. Der Aufbau des Buches unterscheidet sich von den üblichen Lehrwerken der deutschen Grammatik. Jeder einzelne Abschnitt der Kapitel ist so ausgewählt, dass der Lernende keine Kenntnis...

A Merciful Promise (9781978637382)

The Wall Street Journal bestselling series continues as Mercy Kilpatrick becomes embedded in the nightmare of a terrorist conspiracy. The job: infiltrate a militia amassing illegal firearms in an isolated forest community. FBI agent Mercy Kilpatrick is the ideal candidate. She knows Oregon. She's near the compound. And having been raised among survivalists, Mercy understands the mind-set of fanatics. Lay low, follow rules, do nothing to sound an alarm, and relinquish all contact with the outside world. She's ready to blend in. As Mercy disappears into the winter hills, something just as foreboding emerges. Mercy's fiancé, Eagle's Nest police chief Truman Daly, is faced with a puzzling series of murders--three men dumped in random locations after execution-style shootings. Now, for Mercy, trapped in a culture where suspicion is second nature, and betrayal is punishable to the extreme, there is no way out. No way to call for help. And as plans for a catastrophic terror...

Ja genau! : Kurs- und Ubungsbuch mit Losungen und CD A1 Band 2 (3060241589)

Dieses sechsbändige Lehrwerk richtet sich an Lernende ab 16 Jahren, die Anfänger/innen sind oder nur geringe Vorkenntnisse der deutschen Sprache haben. Es orientiert sich an dem neuen Rahmencurriculum für Integrationskurse und vermittelt daher auch Fertigkeiten, die auf den Beruf oder das Absolvieren eines Praktikums vorbereiten. Ja genau! ist besonders für das Unterrichten von heterogenen Gruppen geeignet. Neben einer klaren und kleinschrittigen Progression gibt es zahlreiche Aufgaben, die die unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten der Lerner/innen berücksichtigen und das mehrkanalige Lernen fördern. Jeder Band besteht aus sieben Einheiten von je zehn Seiten, in die auch Übungen zur Aussprache integriert sind. Neben Angeboten zur Projektarbeit und zum kooperativen Lernen bietet eine Extra-Seite zusätzliche Lesetexte und anregende Sprechanlässe. Bis Band 4 bereitet eine Übergangsseite zwischen den Kapiteln mit einem Bildimpuls auf das nächste Thema vor. Ab Niveau B1 gibt es auf dieser Seite ei...

The Land of Open Graves : Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail (0520282752)

In his gripping and provocative debut, anthropologist Jason De Leon sheds light on one of the most pressing political issues of our time-the human consequences of US immigration policy. The Land of Open Graves reveals the suffering and deaths that occur daily in the Sonoran Desert of Arizona as thousands of undocumented migrants attempt to cross the border from Mexico into the United States. Drawing on the four major fields of anthropology, De Leon uses an innovative combination of ethnography, archaeology, linguistics, and forensic science to produce a scathing critique of "Prevention through Deterrence," the federal border enforcement policy that encourages migrants to cross in areas characterized by extreme environmental conditions and high risk of death. For two decades, this policy has failed to deter border crossers while successfully turning the rugged terrain of southern Arizona into a killing field. In harrowing detail, De Leon chronicles the journeys of people who h...

Multicultural Health (1284021025)

Fully updated and expanded, the Second Edition of Multicultural Health serves as a comprehensive guide for healthcare workers in any cultural community. Focusing on differences in cultural beliefs about health and illness, and models for cross-cultural health and communication, this text helps students and professionals learn effective ways to implement health promotion programs and program evaluation across cultures. - NEW! - Full color design and art program - NEW! - A Student Activity added to each chapter to challenge student comprehension. - NEW! - Two new Feature Boxes Added to each chapter titled, What do you think? and Did you Know?, to engage readers and enhance critical thinking. - NEW! - Chapter 3, Worldview and Health Decisions provides information about the ways that worldview and communication impacts health, the provision of health services, health care decisions, and communication Product details ...

How to Solve a Problem : The Rise (and Falls) of a Rock-Climbing Champion (9781524773281)

From Ashima Shiraishi, one of the world's youngest and most skilled climbers, comes a true story of strength and perseverance--in rock climbing and in life. To a rock climber, a boulder is called a problem, and you solve it by climbing to the top. There are twists and turns, falls and scrapes, and obstacles that seem insurmountable until you learn to see the possibilities within them. And then there is the moment of triumph, when there's nothing above you but sky and nothing below but a goal achieved. Ashima Shiraishi draws on her experience as a world-class climber in this story that challenges readers to tackle the problems in their own lives and rise to greater heights than they would have ever thought possible. Product details Format Hardback | 40 pages ...

Ancient Rome : An Anthology of Sources (1624660002)

"Terrific . . . exactly the sort of collection we have long needed: one offering a wide range of texts, both literary and documentary, and that--with the inclusion of Sulpicia and Perpetua--allows students to hear the voices of actual women from the ancient world. The translations themselves are fluid; the inclusion of long extracts allows students to sink their teeth into material in ways not possible with traditional source books. The anonymous texts, inscriptions, and other non-literary material topically arranged in the 'Documentary' section will enable students to see how the documentary evidence supplements or undermines the views advanced in the literary texts. This is a book that should be of great use to anyone teaching a survey of the history of Ancient Rome or a Roman Civilization course. I look forward to teaching with this book which is, I think, the best source book I have seen for the way we teach these days." --David Potter, University of Michigan ...

e: The Story of a Number (9780691168487)

The interest earned on a bank account, the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower, and the shape of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis are all intimately connected with the mysterious number e. In this informal and engaging history, Eli Maor portrays the curious characters and the elegant mathematics that lie behind the number. Designed for a reader with only a modest mathematical background, this biography brings out the central importance of e to mathematics and illuminates a golden era in the age of science. Product details Format Paperback | 248 pages Dimensions 140 x 21...