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Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2022

Empire of the Air : The Men Who Made Radio (0060981199)

The story of the invention of radio focuses on scientist Lee de Forest, brilliant recluse Edwin Armstrong, and RCA mogul David Sarnoff, who turned a basement discovery into a worldwide communications revolution Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages Dimensions 134 x 204 x 25.4mm | 340.19g ...

Crossing Boundaries : Knowledge, Disciplinarities, and Interdisciplinarities (9780813916798)

Boundary work studies examine how boundaries of knowledge are formed, maintained, broken down and reconfigured. This text investigates the claims, activities and institutional structures that define and legitimate interdisciplinary practices. Product details Format Paperback | 281 pages Dimensions 152 x 229 x 20.07mm | 444.52g Publication date ...

Atoms, Bytes and Genes : Public Resistance and Techno-Scientific Responses (9780415958035)

"Atom," "byte" and "gene" are metonymies for techno-scientific developments of the 20th century: nuclear power, computing and genetic engineering. Resistance continues to challenge these developments in public opinion. This book traces historical debates over atoms, bytes and genes which raised controversy with consequences, and argues that public opinion is a factor of the development of modern techno-science. The level and scope of public controversy is an index of resistance, examined here with a "pain analogy" which shows that just as pain impacts movement, resistance impacts techno-scientific mobilization: it signals that something is wrong, and this requires attention, elaboration and a response to the challenge. This analysis shows how different fields of enquiry deal with the resistance of social-psychological mentalities in the face of industrial, scientific and political activities inspired by projected futures. ...

The Religious Experience of Neil Currie, a Native of the Island of Arran, Scotland [microform] : Also, His Views of All Denominations Known to Him Since He Came to Canada, With His Views of What Faith and Unbelief Are, and How Converted and Unconverted... (9781014367884)

This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. To ensure a quality reading experience, this work has been proofread and republished using a format that seamlessly blends the original graphical elements with text in an easy-to-read typeface. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. Product details Format ...

2012 Wisdom of The Elohim : The Complete Virtual Serenity 12-Part Teaching Series Transcript (9781597720816)

"Chance favors the prepared mind."-Louis Pasteur If you have not yet awakened your natural gifts, the knowledge presented here will help you understand those who have. Work with them for the common good, and shower them with love and compassion. In return, you too will awaken your gifts. Regardless of your natural abilities, be prepared to challenge your beliefs of the world today, for the world of tomorrow shall be unimaginable. The passing of a time so horrifying that the gift of seeing beyond the horizon must, as it always has for the ancients, become humanity's saving grace once again. There is much to survive for, as this dark future is only a brief, transitional phase within a further-reaching transformation of humanity. Beyond it will come a day when all shall enjoy the magnificent harvests of a new and more enlightened future. Product details Format ...

Angelina Ballerina 5 Paczka niespodzianka (9788375506839)

Nowa seria książeczek Angelina Ballerina to doskonała propozycja dla wszystkich dziewczynek w wieku przedszkolnym. Bajka jest również doskonale znana dzieciom z telewizji MiniMini. Mali widzowie mogą śledzić perypetie uroczej myszki, która marzy o zostaniu primabaleriną teraz również na kartach kolorowej książeczki. Tematem przewodnim każdej części jest balet, a także inne odmiany tańca, muzyka oraz gra na instrumentach. Wokół tych dziedzin rozwijane są wszelkie aktywności. Wspólnie z Angeliną i jej przyjaciółmi, dzieci uczą się rozwijać pamięć, spostrzegawczość oraz zdolności manualne. Poznają zasady zachowania w grupie i uczą się współpracy. Główna bohaterka Angelina udowadnia, że nawet niepozorna myszka może realizować swoje marzenia. Do każdej części książeczki dołączone są kolorowe naklejki, dzięki którym zabawa będzie jeszcze ciekawsza. Product details Format ...


Υπάρχουν οικογένειες μεγάλες, μικρές, χαρούμενες, λυπημένες, πλούσιες, φτωχές, ήσυχες, φασαριόζικες, θυμωμένες, ευδιάθετες, αγχωμένες ή χαλαρές. Οι περισσότερες είναι κάποιες φορές λίγο απ' όλα αυτά. Το πιο μεγάλο βιβλίο για τις Οικογένειες , με χιούμορ και ευαισθησία, εξερευνά τις διάφορες μορφές της οικογένειας σήμερα, και γίνεται υπέροχη αφορμή για συζήτηση γύρω από ευαίσθητα θέματα, ανάμεσα σε μικρούς και μεγάλους. Η παιχνιδιάρικη εικονογράφηση της Ros Asquith συμπληρώνεται τέλεια με τα κείμενα της Mary Hoffman, δημιουργώντας ένα βιβλίο που τα παιδιά θα αγαπήσουν και θα θέλουν να διαβάζουν ξανά και ξανά. Το βιβλίο κέρδισε το **School Library Association Information Book Award** στην κατηγορία κάτω των 7, την πρώτη χρονιά που θεσμοθετήθηκε το βραβείο, το 2011 και ήταν στη μακρά λίστα για το **NASEN Award**. Product details Publication date 01 Sep...

The Picturesque : Architecture, Disgust and Other Irregularities (9781844720118)

In this fresh and authoritative account John Macarthur presents the eighteenth century idea of the picturesque - when it was a risky term concerned with a refined taste for everyday things, such as the hovels of the labouring poor - in the light of its reception and effects in modern culture. In a series of linked essays Macarthur shows: what the concept of picture does in the picturesque and how this relates to modern theories of the image how the distaste that might be felt today at the sentimentality of the picturesque was already at play in the eighteenth century how visual values such as 'irregularity' become the basis of modern architectural planning; how the concept of appropriating a view moves from landscape design into urban design why movement is fundamental to picturing the stillness of buildings, cities and landscapes. Drawing on examples from architecture, art and broader culture, John Macarthur's account of this key topic in cultural history, makes engag...

The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published : Deadly Deception Exposed! (9788793987210)

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell. In seventy-eight essays, seven prominent social critics question everything from government authority to COVID-19 in what has been called, "the most dangerous book ever published." This thought-provoking and empowering, even "criminal," anthology is a major challenge to the establishment, the ruling oligarchy, or whatever we choose to call the deep state, central planners, and mega-criminals who set and control global narratives. Readers are presented with an array of "forbidden" subjects and in-depth analyses that pull the rug underneath the elite and expose the lies that constitute the matrix. Among others, this book documents and casts light on: - Washington's deadly pursuit of hegemony camouflaged as the "War on Terror" and "spreading democracy." - The erosion of legal principles and elimination of civil and human rights under the...

Der Einstellungstest / Eignungstest zur Ausbildung zum Kaufmann / zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement : Geeignet für alle kaufmännischen Büroberufe (3956240200)

Sicher durch den Einstellungstest in allen kaufmännischen Büroberufen! So bestehen Sie die Prüfung zur Ausbildung zum Kaufmann für Büromanagement / zur Kauffrau für Büromanagement. Dieses Prüfungspaket ... - verrät Details zu den Prüfungsthemen: alles zum Eignungstest für Kaufleute für Büromanagement - ermöglicht die realistische Prüfungssimulation: mit 5 Musterprüfungen, vielen Original-Testfragen, kommentierten Lösungen und ausführlichen Bearbeitungshinweisen - erklärt Aufgabentypen und Lösungsstrategien: u. a. Sprachbeherrschung, Mathematik, Logik, Konzentration, Allgemeinwissen, Fachwissen Erfolgreich bewerben ist keine Glücksache! Bekämpfen Sie Prüfungsstress und Nervenflattern durch gezielte Vorbereitung - für einen Einstellungstest ohne böse Überraschungen! Product details Format Paperback ...

Kinder, Kunst und Kompetenzen : Kreatives Gestalten in der Sozialpädagogik (3582047733)

Bei der künstlerischen Erziehung von Kindern und Jugendlichen ist die Vermittlung vom Spaß an der Kunst bedeutend. Die Erzieherschüler werden mit diesem Buch angeregt, Selbsterfahrungen mit der Kunst zu sammeln, um sie in den Berufsalltag zu übertragen. Die Praxis steht im Vordergrund, die Theorie baut auf den praktischen Erfahrungen auf. Durch die gut strukturierten Kapitel ist auch eine selbstständige Erarbeitung der in sich geschlossenen Themen möglich. Somit Product details Format Paperback | 416 pages Dimensions 169 x 241 x 3...