The story of the invention of radio focuses on scientist Lee de Forest, brilliant recluse Edwin Armstrong, and RCA mogul David Sarnoff, who turned a basement discovery into a worldwide communications revolution Product details Format Paperback | 432 pages Dimensions 134 x 204 x 25.4mm | 340.19g ...
Foundation of Digital Badges and Micro-Credentials : Demonstrating and Recognizing Knowledge and Competencies (9783319792187)
This edited volume provides insight into how digital badges may enhance formal, non-formal and informal education by focusing on technical design issues including organizational requirements, learning and instructional design, as well as deployment. It features current research exploring the theoretical foundation and empirical evidence of the utilization of digital badges as well as case studies that describe current practices and experiences in the use of digital badges for motivation, learning, and instruction in K-12, higher education, workplace learning, and further education settings. Product details Format Paperback | 530 pages ...